
Raymond Leung & Jane S.Y. Wong: The opportunities and challenges created by the United Nations Convention on International Mediation Settlement Agreements.

Raymond Leung: Facilitative and Evaluative Mediation for the Application of Construction Cases.

梁海明: 美國在各國駐軍是變相的殖民政策

Zhao, T. and Wang, Y. ( November 2020) – Non-parametric simulation of non-stationary non-Gaussian 3D random field samples directly from sparse measurements using signal decomposition and Markov Chain Monte Carlo.

Lau Kar Wah solicitor – Why Hong Kong should scrap internship rule for foreign-trained doctors working in the city

Zhao, T. and Wang, Y. (February 2020) – Interpolation and stratification of multilayer soil property profile from sparse measurements using machine learning methods.

調解通鑒” 經國際專家學會出版及購買

Wang, Y. Cao, Z., and Li, D., (March 2016) – Bayesian perspective on geotechnical variability and site characterization

點解”  經國際專家學會出版及購買

Wang, Y. and Aladejare, A. E, (April 2015) – Selection of site-specific regression model for characterization of uniaxial compressive strength of rock

IIE 聘書範本(僅供參考)版本1

IIE 專家證人履歷指南第 1

IIE 專家實務守則版本 1